TSSSaver’s Lets You Verify Your Saved SHSH2 Blobs

TSSSaver is an online tool that uses TSSChecker to save SHSH2 blobs for an iOS firmware that is being signed by Apple. Saving blobs for a firmware gives you the opportunity to upgrade or downgrade to that firmware once it is no longer being signed.

You can now use it to verify if your SHSH2 blobs are valid or not.

The one big reason to download and save SHSH2 blobs for iOS is Apple may stop signing at any time as there is a news that we can expect iOS 10.3.2 release soon. Immediately after the release of iOS 10.3.2 beta version, Apple will most likely stop signing all other previous versions.

Step 1: Open this link on your computer.

Step 2: Upload the SHSH2 blob and choose the iOS firmware and device model.

Step 3: Click on the Submit button.

Step 4: If the Build Configuration is correct and Rosi Tag is ‘true’, then it means that the SHSH2 blob is valid. 

You can check the build configuration of your device model from here. Look for the column called ‘Internal Name’.

Ensuring that your SHSH2 blob is valid for a specific firmware is important because if Apple stops signing it and the blob is invalid, then it won’t be possible to regenerate it. SHSH2 blobs can only be generated for firmwares that are still being signed by Apple.

 Related:  How to back up SHSH2 Blobs?

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